Believer's Worship Center

We are a Small Southern Baptist Church located in Warrenville, SC.


The purpose of this church is to be people of GOD, making disciples.  We will discover the lost and unchurched, teach the lost how to be saved, baptize the lost, worship our risen Lord, teach the saved how to live as disciples of Christ, and minister to a world in need.  We are to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as set forth in

Matt. 28:16-20, Mark 16: 14-16, Luke 24:45-49, and Acts 1:4-8


He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in His paths... Isaiah 2:3



- To be a dynamic spiritual organism empowerd by the Holy Spirit.....

- To be a worshiping fellowship......

- To be Christlike in our daily living.......

- To minister to the community......


We are a small congregation with big hearts for the Lord.  If you are looking for a Church Home.. We Would Love To Have You Visit Us!


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